Parents Night Out a.k.a Kids Party Time

Each month, ATT holds a parents night out so parents can take a break while their children have a blast in a comfortable and nurturing environment. We create a party just for kids while their parents take a much-deserved break. Stay tuned for Early bird special prices.

Buddy Day

At ATT, we believe in the power of teamwork. That’s why we created our monthly buddy day, where students can bring in their buddies to learn about their martial arts practice. Students are empowered to show their buddies the “ropes” and gain leadership skills in the process. Bonus: your buddy will get one month free when they join American Top Team!

Summer & Spring Camps

Camps at American Top Team offer up full or half days chock full of activities to keep your kids active and happy, including Kids Fitness, obstacle courses, Martial Arts, Games, and more.
Camp is for children ages 4-12 with sibling discounts are available. Book early for discounts.

Speak Up and Stop Bullying

Every October, this event teaches kids how to react to bullying. Our fun class helps kids tap into their inner bravery and confidence. Young attendees will learn to speak up for themselves and grow their self-esteem to combat bullying.

× How can I help you? Available from 08:00 to 21:00 Available on SundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday